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Castello’s have a long history serving the community and creating strong employment opportunities, especially for young people.

As part of our ethos of giving back, Castello’s are happy to accept nominations from not for profit organisations, charities or sporting groups seeking sponsorship or donations to assist a worthwhile cause or support a program or local community event.

All nominations must be submitted via the application form below and each will be reviewed on their merit. Note: only a certain number of sponsorships can be awarded.

Community Community Community Community

Who is eligible to apply?

  • Local charities
  • Local not-for-profits
  • Local sporting group
  • Local community groups
  • Local events & activities

If your organisation falls under one of these categories and you are based in Melbourne’s South East region, you are eligible to apply for a grant.

What are the Selection Criteria?

Castello’s will award grants to organisations and programs that improve the lifestyle and wellbeing of the local community.

Grant recipients will be chosen based on how they make a meaningful impact on the community in the areas of live, work and play. Applications should address how the organisation or program contributes to one or all of these areas.

Apply Today

  • Organisation Type

Choose your venue and submit an event enquiry with Castello’s. Once received, we will be in touch ASAP to discuss.